UK-based game developer specialising in technical design, programming and game design. Game Dev alumni currently completing a Master's on the same course.
C# and C++

This project is a turn-based RPG and dungeon crawler that's still very early in development, and I won't be able to share more info on it for a while. I initially created it as my dissertation for my undergraduate degree, where it scored a First, and have been continuing to iterate upon it ever since - it very recently reached over 10 thousand lines of my own written code!
This project so far has proven invaluable for developing my skills in Systems Design, Technical Design and Games Programming, and there hasn't been a single project I've worked on where the knowledge and best practices I gained while making this hasn't assisted me in some way.
Lightless Reflections

A game I created in 48 hours for a Game Jam in collaboration with Byte Sky games. The theme was "Mirror".
It can be downloaded and played on Itch.io.
60 Seconds To Live

A game I created in 8 hours for a Halloween Game Jam. The theme was "60 Seconds To Live".
It can be downloaded and played on Itch.io.

Aquanaut is a metroidvania/boomer shooter created in the Unity engine, created during my second year of my undergraduate degree. I developed this project as part of a group alongside 3 others. As part of this team, I designed and implemented the:
- Level Design
- Enemy and Boss Design
- Menu & Credits Visuals/UI
- Texturing
- Destructible Objects
During the development of Aquanaut I played a vital role as part of the backbone of a small development team, wherein I gained valuable insight into the dynamics of team software development.
Aquanaut's source code can be downloaded through GitHub.
It can also be viewed and played on Itch.io.